Magic Spells whether they are Love or Money Spells have done wonders when they are in the form of chants.
How Magic Spells in the form of chanting improves Your mental and Physical Performance.
This is the Magic Chant
The literal translation of the above power chant is not necessary to its effectiveness, but for the benefit of those who would like to know what it means.
I have seen these simple but powerful chant work miracles in the lives of businessmen, housewives, convicts dope addicts, priests, probably explainable by some Tibetan Lama; but that it works is have shown that the metabolic rate goes down during meditative chanting. University studies show that oxygen consumption during chanting reaches a level which is found in other people only after they had about seven hours sleep. Who doesn't want a "good nights sleep" in 20 or 30 minutes?
What this can mean to you is at once exciting and earth-shaking. Chanting can change your blood composition and increase your alpha brain waves. Consequently, you increase your physical and mental performance because of the new peace you experience within. Meditative chanting clears on the psyche, so to speak, and permits new energies to flow through into your daily life. You can tap the vast reservoir of unused mental capacity by chanting.
Chants That Expand Awareness, Clarify Thought, and Enhance Creativity
Say this Chant
Guru, Guru. Light my Life
Guru, Guru, lift my heart
Guru, Guru, all-knowing Guru
Show me in, show me out.
Chants of this type put you in touch with your inner self, help you to tap creative energy, permit you to function under stress and strain daily living. The following chants are at your disposal, to help you achieve the peace which precedes action, fulfillment, and effectiveness.
Chants for Relieving Stress
Void, void, void is pressure
Take away, take away, take away all
Void, void, void is heaviness
Take away, take away, take away all.
I am calm, calm, calm
Restful, peaceful, tranquil
Pressures come, pressures go
I am calm, calm, calm.
Pac, O Pac, god of Peace
I intone your name for rest and ease
(Repeat ten times in a hushed whisper.)
Begone, stress; begone, O strain
Relieve me now of pressing pair;
Begone, O burden: begone, O toil
Implant my very peace in willing soil.
Whispering palms of peace and rest come waiting through my very being like gentle wings of doves of love.
Chants for Improved Efficiency
Ability, ability, fill my veins, Stability, stability, be my reins. Give me peace, give me power, sharpen my wits, heighten my capacity. Ability, stability, capability are mine this day.
I am restful, peaceful, better and greater. Creative thought emerges from within, increases my powers, lifts me up.
Rest, peace, efficiency, mine to have, mine to hold, mine to use.
Competence, skill, ingenuity and talent, give to me excellence, achievement, and success. Fill me, lift me, imbue me, pervade ,e. Competence, skill, ingenuity and talent, be friendly and gracious to me this day.
Chants for Well-Being
Tranquility, silence, quietude, health. These I make my own; these I conjure for aid, support, and succor. Peace is mine, strength is mine, effectiveness is mine.
Energy charging
Ideas enlarging
Focus pointing
My efforts anointing.
Stillness to my mind, rest to my body, height to my spirit, nimbleness to my fingers, adroitness to my movement, excellence to my act. Strength to my muscle, vitality to my blood, life to my limb, power to my brain.
When you first start chanting, extraneous thoughts may interferes with your progress, but with perseverance and determination, you will eventually find yourself floating in free space, so to speak-by passing your thoughts, more aware of the you inside your body. This is called the state of being, a psychic condition which is conducive to the peace and power you want. How you position yourself in order to chant depends entirely on you. Some chanters like to sit straight in a char (not rigidly), close their eyes and intone the chant. But I know people who chant mentally and quite well in subways, buses, automobiles, and in offices during working hours.
Power Chants That Draw Invisible Forces to You.
This brings me to those chants which can channel superhuman powers and direct them to you, to anyone who wants to change his life, remove obstacles to progress, better himself, disarm enemies or simply feel healthier, stronger and more able. I placed the "Peace Chants" first because we are all familiar with what happens when the non peaceful misuse power. Chant the foregoing chants regularly, get yourself in a state of higher being, and then use the following Power Chants to get what you want out of life.
Whatever your individual need may be - a stronger body, help to overcome odds, a defense against negative people, psychic support.
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