Make Money Online with eBooks
Right now is one of the best times in Internet marketing history to make a ton of moneyonline with ebooks. Even with the popularity of audio and video products ebooks remain
a staple of online publishing and they’ll be around forever.
Ebooks offer a quick and easy way for prospects to learn about a hot topic. Here’s the
deal…you don’t even have to be an expert on the subject to provide the information. It’s
a good idea that you do have some degree of interest in the subject but you don’t have
to be the leading expert. You just need to know how to help the audience get the
information that they want.
By providing that information you gain the customer’s trust and become the one that
they’re likely to make a purchase from. That’s how ebooks become your sales
machines. They go where you may never go and reach customers for you.
Here’s a very easy way that you can get your ebook written and on the market in the
shortest time possible.
Start with private label rights articles and you can have an ebook in just a few hours. I’m
a huge fan of private label rights materials. They give you loads of prewritten
information on almost every subject that you can imagine. This can save you lots of
hours otherwise spent researching and writing about your topic. It’s much easier to start
with a group of PLR articles and rewrite them rather than starting from scratch.
There are a boat load of places online where you can purchase PLR articles either as
part of a subscription or in small packs. I have to warn you to be careful because ALL
PLR IS NOT CREATED EQUALLY. In fact, most of the plr articles that you’ll find online
now are just a bunch of garbage.
That’s why one of my favorite PLR sites is Tiffany Dow’s PLR Minimart. If you’re not
familiar with Tiffany then maybe I should tell you that she’s also known as the
“ghostwriter to the gurus”. Before becoming a full time marketer, Tiffany was the
ghostwriter behind some of the most successful ebook released by well known internet
marketing gurus. Her research and writing style are both first class and her articles will
help you create a quality product. Check Tiffany out at
Whether you use articles from the minimart or somewhere else, just be sure to use high
quality PLR articles. This will ensure that you give your customers a lot more
information than they actually paid for. Make your ebook one that stands out in the
crowd and become something that customers tell their friends and business partners
about. That’s how you create customer loyalty and build a good reputation online. The
key to getting good results is to start out with good PLR articles from the beginning and
putting your own unique touch on them. The time that you spend putting together a
good product will pay off in more sales and fewer refunds.
After rewriting your material into an ebook find about 4-5 affiliate programs and include
the links throughout the ebook…just don’t over do it. You don’t want your ebook to
become one big sales pitch. Let the affiliate links ADD VALUE not take it away.
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